2021 Student Senate Primaries

March 18, 2021
Monday, March 8th was a very important day for ten young men. At precisely 11:40 AM, the 2021 Student Senate Primaries commenced. Each year, juniors who express interest in the Student Senate engage in the Primary elections. In all years previous, the Primaries have been held in the Chapel at U of D. They are open to anyone for viewing pleasure, but only homeroom representatives can partake in voting. During the event, each candidate is allotted 90 seconds to campaign for themselves. A brief speech can consist of any ideas, plans, or self-promotion. There are five offices in the Student Senate; Sergeant-At-Arms, Treasurer, Secretary, Vice President, and President. Each candidate interested in one of these positions is allowed to speak on why they should be elected. After that, homeroom representatives from each grade vote to elect the winners of each office. Only two candidates from each office move on, so Primaries really matter. When it comes time for the Debates, winners of the Primaries are awarded the opportunity to answer first. Additionally, candidates can use it to their advantage during their speeches. Winning the Primaries proves to be beneficial, as candidates can use it as a positive to promote themselves.
For the first year at the High, Primaries were held via Zoom. Due to the pandemic, Zoom was an easier and safer way to run the elections. Being easily accessible, this also allowed more students and faculty to tune in live and create a hyped environment. To see the winners for each office, reference the picture below.
*Results Below Winners Bolded*
President: Ryan Hammet, Joshua Dorsey
Vice-President: Daniel Miller, Mike Mathis
Treasurer: Daniel Witsil, (Race between Kyle Cronan and Raymond James)
Secretary: Otto Smith, Thomas Leeds
Seargent at Arms: Lucas Padilla, Charles Janovsky