The Secrets of Hammy’s Hotties

Hammie Hotties Official Logo
October 1, 2021
Students’ bellies were full, and spirits were high on the way to the homecoming football game against Catholic Central last Friday, all thanks to Hammy’s Hotties. The hotdog crew, led by founder and U of D student Ryan Hammett ‘22, certainly brought energy as they served up over 300 hot dogs to students at the tailgate on Cherrylawn Field.
Hammy’s Hotties is somewhat of an urban legend at the High, and not too many students know much about it except for its somewhat unusual name. However, the company has a fascinating background filled with ups and downs.
It all began when Hammett took a trip to Chicago back in early 2021. He loved the atmosphere and aesthetic of the Windy City, but what caught his eye the most were the hot dogs sold there. Chicago has its own style of hot dogs, which consist of a beef frank loaded with sport peppers, tomatoes, relish, mustard, and a poppy seed bun to seal the deal. This particular dog was a gem in Hammett’s eyes, and he knew that he could not leave Chicago without bringing along the recipe. Over the next few weeks, Hammett perfected his own version of the Chicago-dog with Dearborn beef franks and even sport peppers imported from Vienna, Austria. Nevertheless, he preferred to keep his dogs out of the public eye and for recreational dining only.

In May of 2021, Hammett finally decided to share his hot dog prosperity with the world, and he had the perfect opportunity. His AP Chemistry class decided to host a celebratory potluck after the gruelling exam, and he was the first to sign up to bring food. On the day of the potluck, Hammett and some close friends entered the back closet of Mrs. Oshikiri’s room and put together over 30 hot dogs with that famous Chicago flare. And the potluck was a success; everyone thoroughly enjoyed their dogs, and even Mr. Teasdale and Ms. Ong came up to see what all the ruckus was about. Nathan Green ‘22 fondly recalls the day: “I will never forget the first Hammy’s Hotties dog I had. A view of the the AP Chem lab, the Austrian sport peppers, and poppy seed bun made it one of the most memorable experiences of my life.” After the food was finished, Alec Koscielniak ‘22 and Danny Miller ‘22 jokingly created an official Instagram page for a hot dog company named “Hammy’s Hotties”. Hammett initially dismissed the idea of running a hot dog business, but, little did he know, the birth of the greatest dog joint to ever exist had just taken place. Over the next few weeks, Hammett worked closely with Koscielniak, Miller, and countless others to develop a logo and a business model to push his product out into the world.
Today, Hammy’s Hotties is an empire, and it shows no signs of slowing down. Hammett had this to say about the success of his hot dogs, “Say what you want about the name, but the numbers don’t lie, these babies sell!” In addition to the tailgate, the crew held a four-day fundraiser in late July for the Huron Valley Humane Society. The fundraiser was appropriately named “Have a Dog, Help a Dog”, and raised over 2,600 dollars.
The Hammy’s Hotties crew has huge plans for the future, and they are working hard to put them into action. So, make sure to watch out for the next Hammy’s Hotties event, and follow @hammyshotties on Instagram!