1. What interest do you share with the student body here at UDJ?
Jack Stevens: An interest that I share with the student body at UDJ is a desire for out-of-school events. Covid took a big toll on school spirit by reducing most out-of-school activities. Without, out-of-school events, like dances, sports games, service opportunities, and co-ed activities with Mercy, students aren’t able to live as the well-rounded “man for others” that the High is dedicated to creating. I strive to bring back new and better activities for the students to participate in next year.
Alex Iannuzzi: An interest I share with the student body is a want to return to a normalized school year. Even though Covid has been around for a couple years now, it still had effects on this year like a mask mandate, limited student section, outside homecoming on the backfield, and limited off campus events like pledge Detroit and some field trips. I want to make these events that are so important to the school and the students back to normal and run smoothly like how they are supposed to. For next year it will be a priority to make it a Covid restriction free year.

2. What values do you stand for? How can you rep that in your desired position?
Jack Stevens: I stand for a strong community. I want to represent this by setting an example to engage in many activities and being there for your friends in need. I will support clubs and events outside of school to build community at the High.
Alex Iannuzzi: I stand for leadership and always pushing forward. I can represent this by leading the student body to having a great school year, always pushing for better within the school with what the students want, and also being a helping hand for them when it comes to questions or help with school work.
3. Why did you choose to run for your specific position?
Jack Stevens: When I looked over the roles of each position, sergeant-at-arms stuck out the most to me. I had ideas that align with the roles of the sergeant-at-arms. I think my skill set will be most effectively used in the roles that being the sergeant presents to me.
Alex Iannuzzi: Sergeant-at-arms was the role that I felt my skills related to the best. I feel that my leadership skills will be useful in keeping order in things like senate meetings and other important events. I also looked at the other positions as well, however they did not feel like the position for me, sergeant-at-arms felt the most relatable for what I can do and what I stand for.
4. What’s your favorite part of U of D Jesuit? No cliché answers.
Jack Stevens: My favorite part about U of D Jesuit is that they offer programs for everyone’s interests. Our school has a ton of clubs, great academics, enjoyable culture, and above-average sports teams. Having these opportunities allows everyone to find their community and participate in multiple activities. This brings a diverse student body together at our school.
Alex Iannuzzi: My favorite thing about U of D is the accessibility that they offer for a wide variety of interests. Our school offers a multitude of sports, clubs, events, and activities so that no matter what your interests are, the high has something to offer you. Nobody at U of D should be a 2:45 guy because there is always something to do at the school. Along with the accessibility of co-curriculars, every teacher is available after or before school if you need extra help and are more than willing to give you help, which has been an important part of me sustaining a good GPA.

5. We hear about the brotherhood a lot- what makes the brotherhood so strong?
Jack Stevens: The brotherhood at U of D is so tightly knit because of the struggles we constantly face. Every day at U of D is a challenge, whether it is socially, academically, or athletically, we all strive to be better each day. We all are challenged and struggle together forming an unbreakable bond with each other.
Alex Iannuzzi: The brotherhood at the high is an unbreakable bond. Whether this is built through sports or through daily school work and struggles, I know that the guys to my left and my right have my back no matter what and I have theirs. We all go through similar struggles every day, whether that is through homework, practice, or the stress of balancing both, but it is what builds this bond among us that is so strong. The true brotherhood of UofD is when one of our brothers is going through a struggle that we do not share and it is being there for them and helping them get through it that makes the brotherhood so special.
6. We know that proposing change is part of your campaigns- using 5 words or less, please tell us what you want to do.
Jack Stevens: Increase engagement and join together
Alex Iannuzzi: Build the High up better.
7. How are you going to balance remaining a dedicated student senate officer with the stress of senior year?
Jack Stevens: I will balance the next year just like I have in other school years. Previously, I have felt busy doing less than I have done this year, but with adjustment and priorities, I will be able to handle being a dedicated senate officer. I have added commitments throughout my time like founding the business club this year and I have been able to maintain dedicated schoolwork and athletics.
Alex Ianuzzi: I am going to treat being a senate officer like I would treat any other assignment that will come in my senior year. I know I will need to keep up with my grades but also remain motivated to be a good officer as well. Being an officer would be a top focus and with stacks of homework it will definitely feel stressful at times, but I know if I treat and approach it like how I do anything else I will be able to get it done with not much stress on my shoulders.