1. What interest do you share with the student body here at UDJ?
Kaleb Smith- To preface, I have very little interest in probably the most common extracurriculars/events the student body adores: sports. I, like many others, have a passion for improving my knowledge and developing as a student, but additionally simply being in the company of other Cubs. The greatest thing about UDJ is the environment, the people who reside in its halls, and I know many people who stick through the large workloads and difficult classes to remain involved in student life. In place of other avenues of social life I have enjoyed trying various clubs and simply interacting with the student body and any faculty which manages it.
Will Paroly- I have been at this school for 5 years now and during this time have been able to expose myself to many different people at the school and obtain a better understanding of what the student body has interests in. I would like to see a cub community that does more with other schools, specifically Mercy. Cubs as whole take pride in our student sections and while by no means are these sections lacking, but there is always room for improvement. School is a place where we should feel comfortable and more or less relaxed. I believe that with the tweaking of a few restrictive policies and returning some past luxuries we had in the pre-covid era many of the student body’s interests would be met.

2. What values do you stand for? How can you rep that in your desired position?
Kaleb Smith- Honesty and consistency have been the traits I’ve best embodied since coming to UofD. I have been praised in the fields of follow-through and clear, constant communication throughout my time since 7th Grade. As secretary, I would look toward bringing those qualities to the whole of the senate and making the senate an open book, keeping all those informed who wish to listen.
Will Paroly- Values that I stand for our justice, integrity, and transparency. As a student senate officer, it would be my role to do justice to the students and represent all of them. All voices, no matter how big or small should be heard and valued and I can assure you that I would do everything in my power to assure this. Being honest is essential to having a good character. Speaking truthfully to the student body and giving realistic proposals is something that I feel is essential. If elected the student senate secretary it would be my role to convey what the senate does to the student body. After all, we are elected officials who serve UofD Jesuit students. By being transparent and approachable I feel that I could get more students involved in the senate and focus our goals on improving the day-to-day life of the student body.
3. Why did you choose to run for your specific position?
Kaleb Smith- Out of all the positions that people are running for I’m likely most compatible with the position of secretary. Writing and notetaking in a digestible form have always been one of my stronger traits. These skills are integral to making a capable secretary, and anyone without those features in that position would be less qualified.
Will Paroly- This school has truly been a blessing to me and my brothers and I feel that it is only just to give back. I felt that the best way to give back would be through service as a member of the student senate. These are the general reasons for running, but other factors influenced me to run specifically for secretary. My older brother was the Secretary two years ago and told me that I had the skill set to thrive in this position, and also boasted that he felt it was the best position. As someone who gets their work done on time, stays organized, works well with others, and types fast, I feel that I would be able to fulfill the role of secretary.

4. What’s your favorite part of U of D Jesuit? No cliché answers.
Kaleb Smith- Of the many things which set this school apart, I would have to cite the more than enjoyable classroom environment, stemming from the interactions of students and teachers. While there is a great deal of respect between both parties (and students in general), by the time you have reached junior year a majority of people have begun developing rapport with their classmates and instructors. While it takes little more than a minute to get down to business, there is almost always a jovial air over any course I’m taking at the time, a welcome change of pace for someone who tends to be quite dour. At points, I cannot help being proud of my classmates’ ability to switch from lighthearted jokes to getting down to business at the snap of a finger.
Will Paroly- My favorite part of U of D Jesuit is the fact that there is a place and group for everyone. While we are a very diverse school our diversity goes beyond just having a student body composed of many different ethnicities and socioeconomic backgrounds. Our school has a plethora of different clubs and activities for students who take interest in a wide range of things. For example, many schools are known as “athletic” or “academic” schools, but U of D in my personal opinion is a school that is not only great at sports but also very strong in its academics. No Cub is identical to another and this is what truly makes our school different.
5. We hear about the brotherhood a lot- what makes the brotherhood so strong?
Kaleb Smith- As a six-year man, I’ve noticed many strong friendships form over the time since my class has entered this school. Many other times I’ve been witness to countless casual conversations between people I never would have thought to be close. It’s helped me to realize that people are rather adept at noticing differences and simultaneously appreciating them and discarding them. They can look at a person, recognize their passions, and make a decision on whether or not they might be able to be friends. Even still they have no qualms interacting with people who have different interests, or conflicting interests, and seeing them as something close to brothers. For whatever reason, the environment here has helped us in forming a rather tightly knit circle, at least within each grade.
Will Paroly- While our time at U of D may be remembered as some of the best in our lives this time does not come without struggle. There have been many times when I have felt stressed or overwhelmed trying to juggle the multiple components of being a cub. While this may be the case this is what makes our brotherhood so strong. We all go through the struggle together. By looking to our right and left in each class and knowing that if our brothers next to us can make it through this time we can too only motivate and bring us closer together. The Alumni of UofD is close and this is for good reason, the brotherhood at UofD is unparalleled.
6. We know that proposing change is part of your campaigns- using 5 words or less, please tell us what you want to do.
Kaleb Smith- I want involved students.
Will Paroly- Collective transparency, bring activities back.
7. How are you going to balance remaining a dedicated student senate officer with the stress of senior year?
Kaleb Smith- Something as large as an officer position can only be managed in the same way as I have handled these past two years: through a rigorous work ethic, a supportive family, peers who I can work with, and the various skills I’ve learned in my time at UofD.
Will Paroly- Since my earliest days in the academy, I have been pressed to utilize my time and create good habits regarding time management. While the Senate will be a top priority of mine I am sure there will be lots of other obligations during my senior year. To assure that I have enough time to balance the time allotted to the senate and the rest of my activities senior year I will have to reduce the number of activities I partake in and sacrifice some free time. While if elected there will undoubtedly be times when I feel that I am overwhelmed, I think that with good time management and dedication I will have plenty of time remaining to dedicate to the senate.