Kairos CXXX concluded with extremely positive reviews from participants. The senior group of students that went was one of the best that was ever assembled. The adult leaders were also exceptionally impacting including Mr. Mazyck, Fr. Omondi, Mr. Gergosian, Mr. Pollock, and a new face, Reverend JB Fields. Reverend Fields is a Reverend at Hartford Memorial Baptist Church and spreads his love for God everywhere he goes. The students on the retreat can attest to the fact that Rev Fields has a special relationship with God and truly sees Him in all things. This article will help you get to know him and what his and other faculty member’s experiences were like on the retreat, and hopefully encourage you to go on Kairos as well.
As I interviewed Reverend Fields, I asked him a little bit about himself and where he grew up. Rev Fields is from Detroit, “born and bred, went to Detroit public schools, proud graduate of Renaissance High School as well as Howard University.” Rev Fields graduated from Howard in 2004. When asked about his relationship with God he said; “Another thing that I think is very important because it definitely brought me closer to God and had me just asking those questions like what are we supposed to do now, I could see the Pentagon smoking from my dorm room window during 9/11.” From there, Rev Fields went on to teach English in South Korea, worked in healthcare, entrepreneurship, and went to Grad school. I also asked Rev Fields about his experience with the Kairos retreat he went on, as it was his first time leading and being a retreat while being a new teacher at U of D. Rev Fields said; “I am beyond grateful that the participants, especially the students, were grateful for my presence at first, I know it was ‘who is this guy?’ kind of feeling.” He also said that the biggest takeaway was the generosity of the people there. “The other adults, the students, the leaders oh my goodness the leaders!” “I realize how precious of a privilege it is and I’m grateful that I was able to work and make sure we all had the best time together.” Reverend Fields was highly impacted by Kairos 130, and he truly helped not only me, but everyone who went find God in something. I highly encourage you to say “hi” or even start a conversation with Reverend Fields because he is truly working for something special.