At the University of Detroit Jesuit High School and Academy (U of D Jesuit), charity and donations are a key part of the school’s identity. Pledge Detroit, a yearly fundraiser for the school, is set to take place on October 8th. Pledge Detroit is a student-driven fundraiser that funds numerous activities and clubs throughout the school year. This is U of D’s 148th year since opening, and because of that, students are required to raise at least 148 dollars but are encouraged to collect more.
Pledge Detroit is about being a community and it is built on the idea that our community alone can support itself. The goal is to show the city of Detroit that the school, and everything that comes with it, is a part of Detroit. That is why this year, and all future years, Pledge Detroit will hold a walkathon the day of the event, to show the community our presence when we pass by down Outer Drive. Along with this, each grade level will complete a day of service within Detroit. On separate days, each grade will be sent to distinct locations to better the people of Detroit and the greater community. These days of service could be assisting at a soup kitchen or helping the homeless or impoverished within the community. The goal is to show U of D’s commitment to be present in the community, unlike the other Catholic High Schools that took flight when Detroit was at its worst. Throughout all of the city’s turmoil, U of D has stayed within Detroit trying its best to continue to give back. It is the school’s mantra; to be a Man for Others, and the students hope to use their collected money in numerous positive ways, including giving back to the community through their clubs and extracurriculars.
Students at U of D are held to a high standard, so not turning in at least 148 dollars will result in the student completing three separate days of service activities on days without school. On the flip side of this, students are motivated to raise as much money as possible, and the school even incentivizes it. The school’s Student Senate is creating various prizes that students, drawn randomly, can choose from. Student Senate President Pierre Jazrawi is extremely excited for this year’s fundraiser to kickoff, “whether it be the prizes that we get to come up with, Pledge Detroit is a way to give back to the community and allow for our students to participate in so many things this year, but the prizes are super cool so I hope I win too”. It has been decided by Mr. Hilden, the Director of Student Activities, that every student that reaches the 148-dollar threshold will receive one entry into the prize raffle and then will receive another entry for each hundred more dollars. Some prizes include free dress passes, gift cards, free food, gift baskets, and even major prizes like the PS5. The prizes help reward students who care for their school and try their hardest to collect money. The worst act a student could do is to get a check for $148 dollars from your parents because that means you had no meaningful interactions within the community.
Pledge Detroit is meant to commemorate the history of the school and its presence in the history of Detroit. Students must be Men for Others, and the goal is to better the greater Detroit community. These fundraisers help show students what they love about their school and Detroit. The hope is that they will, once successful in the future, move back to Detroit and the surrounding areas, repeating the same process all over again. Only this time, they will be the ones answering the door and donating to the fine institute that is The University of Detroit Jesuit High School and Academy.