When the World Languages Department was in need of a new, part time Spanish teacher, The University of Detroit Jesuit High School and Academy had the perfect man to call when the time came- Mr. Tanner Russ ’19. Mr. Russ is a U of D Jesuit Alumni and is extremely fond of the school. He attended school at The High in 2014 and graduated in 2019, making him more relatable to the students. He attended Michigan State University and studied Spanish, making him ideal for the Spanish teacher substitute position. College guided him and helped him find what he loves to do: teaching others. Mr. Russ’s time at The High will be short due to an exciting opportunity in Ecuador where he will be moving there to teach after first semester.
Growing up in Ferndale, U of D Jesuit had always been a part of his life. Mr. Russ has a connection with someone at the school, and someone rather important, Brother Boynton S.J.! Brother Boynton has always been a significant part of Mr. Russ’s life. Ever since he was ten years old, “Brother Boynton came over all the time for dinner at home, [and] is the reason I am teaching at UDJ, he called me with the job and well, I said yes.”
During his high school career at UDJ, Mr. Russ was an active member of the school community. He was a varsity soccer athlete and helped run soccer camps. He participated in Labre, inspiring him to his love of helping others. Brother Boynton S.J. would consistently ask for his help with any volunteer work, and Russ would never say no, especially if it was outdoors. His favorite hobbies are outside, including rock climbing, frisbee golf, and working out, helping Mr. Russ stay active. Mr. Russ loves to travel has traveled across the globe visiting some remarkable places in Europe, Asia, and Latin America, tallying up to 24 different countries total.
Behind his long locks of hair Mr. Russ has a quite a story to tell, and the more students learn the more intriguing students find him. In high school he was on the intramural’s champion team in dodgeball, and in college he lived in Mexico for a while working at a smoothie bar, under the wing of Christian, his favorite teacher. He has shared many of the same teachers with students such as his homeroom teacher Mr. Slaughter making him even more relatable to the students at The High. Mr. Russ has so much more to share and teach to the students of U of D Jesuit. Whether he stays or goes, everyone knows how much of an impact he’s had on the school, its students, and the surrounding community.