1. How would you describe yourself in 5 words?
- Charismatic, kind, leader, helpful, inspiring.
2. How would your classmates describe you?
- I do not waste time in class. I am very productive, and involve myself with a lot out of school activities.
3. What are you most proud of from your time at UDJ so far?
- Making it to junior year, being vice-president of the business club, doing service, having good academics, and having a strong profile.
4. What color describes your personality?
- Blue because it’s chill color and not much to it.
5. Describe your campaign in 5 words or less.
- Able to make change.
6. What is your dream job?
- I want to be a doctor. More specifically an anesthesiologist.
7. What is your favorite food and restaurant?
- I love pasta, chicken-parm, and chipotle.
8. What do you like to do for fun? Or in your free time?
- I like to hangout with friends, play video games, ski, and golf.
9. If you could help a teacher at U of D, which teacher and class would you like to assist
with. Why?
- Mr. Gowman’s chemistry class because it gets chaotic.
10. What song best sums you up?
- Money Trees by Kendrick Lamar this is because “I stack my pape”.
11. What are you afraid of and why?
- Heights
12. If you could be an animal, what would you be and why?
- A lemur, so I could swing from tree to tree.
13. What is your favorite movie and why?
- Interstellar because of the plot twist.
14. If you could travel anywhere, where would you go, who would you go with, and why?
- Madagascar so I can be with my lemur brothers.
15. If you could invite any historical figure to dinner, who would you invite and why? What meal would you have?
- Chief Keef with friends. We would eat chicken-parm pasta.