The NBA’s Push for Equality
October 26, 2020
The NBA for many years has been the pillar of many communities. It has been a main source of bringing people together around the world. As of recently, our world was put on hold by an uncontrollable force. It affected everything, and, more importantly, everyone. Including the NBA. For the first time, NBA superstars were finally seen as human beings and not celebrities. They were finally recognized as regular people who face the same everyday issues as regular citizens.
In March, the NBA decided to put the season on hold and go on a hiatus which shocked the world solely because it caused people to recognize the seriousness of the virus. After the NBA’s hiatus, everything else began to shut down in a domino effect. The NBA’s season was put on hold for over three months, which pushed back their usual schedule in terms of its season’s end and offseason plans.
Within those three months, issues that this country has been facing for many decades were brought to light and seen firsthand by the world. From the murder of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and Ahmaud Aubrey, their people’s deaths were all televised across the country.
It created an uproar in our country. The racial inequalities were finally being shown to the people with the help of social media. As these three individuals were killed on camera without any justice, people united together to try and make a positive change. Most NBA players used their voice and platform to protest and seek out justice for these people. Many NBA players were present and some went as far as even leading some of the protests of the Black Lives Matter Movement. The NBA became a critical voice in the push for justice and equality in our country and as the Bubble began to take place, the NBA gave the players the freedom to protest their beliefs openly by allowing the players to put phrases on the back of their jersey as a representation of their protest.

NBA athletes would no longer be denied their voice and they spoke up for what is right. As the NBA season comes to an end, their support of equal rights for African American citizens has truly been inspiring for many young men and women in our country who feel they should bite their tongues instead of speak out.