Welcome Back from Brother Boynton

Dear Cubs,

Welcome back! This is the 146th time that young men have been starting their academic year at U of D Jesuit. The tradition continues. Throughout the years our goal has remained the same, for you to reach your God-given academic, social, artistic, athletic, and spiritual potential. In short, to be a Men for Others. My prayer for you is that you will be “Open to Growth” as well as open to others, and new experiences that can transform your life. Also, equally important, is that you enjoy the ride.

As president I am excited for the year ahead for all of us… students, faculty, staff, and coaches. I hope we all understand the honor it is to accompany the other in both teaching and learning. Let’s remember this year that all of us represent this great place, and let’s do our best to make sure that U of D Jesuit men stand out in our wider community as the Men for Others we profess to be.

Know of my tremendous gratitude to each of you for your part in making us who we are. Our year has started out with great energy. Let’s keep that energy alive and make this an excellent year. 


Your Brother,


Jim Boynton, S.J.